[Historical Document]

Bug Reporting Procedure

If you feel you have encountered a bug with either the installation process for DataSplash or with the program itself, please see if this bug is documented on the Known Bugs list. If it is not, please submit a bug report to datasplash-bugs@cs.berkeley.edu. Confirmed bugs will be posted on the Known Bugs list.

In your bug report, please tell us the window manager and the type of machine you are using.

If you are using a pre-compiled binary version of DataSplash, please let us know which versions of the following you are using:

If you are using a version of DataSplash which you compiled from source code, please let us know which versions of the following you are using:

Finally, please include a detailed description of the bug and how to reproduce it, if possible.

Here is an example bug report:

Dear Tioga Researchers,

Mybrid Spalding (mybrid@cs.berkeley.edu)

Copyright © 1997, Regents of the University of California
Comments to: datasplash@cs. berkeley.edu
Document: Bug Reporting
Date Last Revised: February 6th, 1997